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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Notes from Cottage Hill Farm

February 2006......

January has come and gone. Unpacking is completed;(I hope I don't find anymore boxes). Things are in their place. Pictures are hung and the plaster in the living room has been repaired;(poor George). Things are going well.

Today, I filled the bird feeders and actually held a dish in my hand with seed, while the chickadees helped themselves. Amazing! How do those tooth pick size bones hold them upright? A small wonder. I notice a female fox going back and forth from the lower embankment barn to the barn next to the house. She always has something in her mouth. Wonder what that's all about? In about two months' that question gets answered.

I think because I promised to take care of the "yellow lady"; (the farm) she continues to give me little gifts. Today I found an old wire rug beater. It was hanging in the basement. I wonder how long that has been there? Next to the soapstone sink were a pair of ladies garters. Hung to dry so many decades ago, falling apart now. Who wore these? It is like being connected to a person through the objects they left behind. What will someone find of mine many years from now?

Today, George and I decide to go cross-country skiing with another couple. George tells me it is only a couple of miles, which turns into four. This is my first time, so getting used to the skis I fall alot! Embarrassed, tired and a little pissed off, we truge back home. Going into the basement to take my skis down, I noticed something shiny on a small shelf over my head. It's a little brooch, not a half and inch long and wide. Probably from the twenties or thirties. I start to smile. I feel the tirdness and frustration of the day melt away. I am sure "she" has left me another little gift, saying:"Welcome home. You think you have it tough! I would have milked four cows, got breakfast and mended 5 pair of pants before 9:00am. Get a life!" She is right. I have nothing to complain about...At least tonight. But thats' another story......

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