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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Notes from Cottage Hill Farm

March 2006......

It is snowing like crazy this morning! I can't even see the VERY large pine tree in front of the upper barn. "Mr.Big" stand guards over the barn and serves as my sentinel. He warns me of upcoming windstorms and "whistles" gleefully, when the summer winds blow across the top of the barn. Mr.Big, as I call him, has tolerated alot.From his scars and missing limbs, he has put up with the children of Cottage Hill Farm. He rises 30 to 40 ft, sharing space with the silo. One day, while gathering pine cones from under his large heavy limbs,I find a little metal toy truck. It appears he has shared space with MANY generations of the farms children. Picking up the pine cones, I also find a few more things to put in my "stash" Mr. Big has yielded a treasure trove of little gifts from over the years: marbles, toy cars, an old ink bottle filled with tiny little beads from an old doll dress. A silver spoon, certainly taken from the old kitchen. I can see a large string of Christmas lights curling around his trunk. The Christmas lights go half way up the old man. I guess he out grew that phase of his life, because I am sure that was when he was a much younger and carefree tree. But, I bet it was beautiful when he was lit up!

Mr.Big groans alot, too. At night, lying in my bed, you can hear him protest under the weight of the snow on his boughs. Suddenly, the sound of the heavy snow is shook off. One more groan and the he frees himself and like a dog, shaking off water from the water hose, he settles back into shape and except for an occasional rustle, he quiets down and lets' everyone go to sleep.

Every part of Cottage Hill Farm is known to me. Everything here, from Mr. Big to the old hay rakes in the barn have a personality and life. They tell stories and share secrets. We are kindred spirits. The things of Cottage Hill Farm will live on long after I am gone. But, no matter, we know we were here. Just look under the "pine tree". He'll know....

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