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Monday, January 25, 2010

Notes from Cottage Hill Farm

April 2006..........
What was that noise? Laying in bed. It is 3:35am, I am very sleepy, but hear a familiar sound that I haven't heard for six or seven months. Tree frogs. Spring is here! It is official. When you hear the frogs, the water in the streams and rivers have risen to a temperature that allows the little froggies to start to their harmonious song. Within a few days, we should start seeing the red wing blackbirds return. Winter is over.

Later that morning, I walk out to the compost pile to turn it over. I want to be ready to feed the garden when it is time. I remember during the fall I saw a fox running back and forth to the upper barn. This fox was always carrying something in her mouth. Now I now what that was all about. Sitting outside the chicken coup are three baby foxes. Mom is laying beside them while the little kits are tumbling and playing with each other. Just like human children. All Gods' children act the same when they are babies. Undisturbed, Mama fox, (I think I will name her Peaches') watches me, but doesn't really seem bothered by my appearance. I kneel down and watch Peaches with her babies. I can't tell how many boys or girls we have, but just by their actions, I think there is two females and one male. The male seems to be tormenting the two smaller ones. We will have to wait until they are a little older.

Turning back to my chores, I decide today I will hang my sheets on the clothes lines. It is warm enough and If I get them out soon, they will dry. Getting the line back up was a small challenge and finding the clothes pins, well I found a handful. The sheets hung on the over stretched line is allowing the sheets to brush the grass. Not overly concerned I decide to go back into the house and take the curtains down to get them ready to wash. About thirty minutes into sorting the curtains, I notice a breeze and decide to check on the sheets. First I looked out the kitchen window. Funny, I swore I hung three flat sheets and six pillow cases. I only see two sheets and six pillow cases. Drying my hands, I open the screen door and notice one sheet is on the ground, but, it is moving. Two of the three little foxes are under the sheet. Peaches is standing nervously, over the sheet. I can tell she doesn't know what to do. Humm......... now what do I do? Well, I need my sheet, so I start down the lawn towards the clothes line. Peaches bolts down the hill and lays in the dried grass, left over from last year. She is panting and watches me approach the sheet and her babies. Gingerly, I lift the sheet. The cutest little foxes with the blue eyes reserved for infants of any species ,greet me. They are completely tame and trusting. For now anyway. They roll over, untangling themselves from the sheet, I see there is one female and one male. Jack and Jill quickly regain their footing and jet to join Peaches. I see the other kit sticking its' nose out from under the chicken coup. I decided the fox family have had enough excitement for the day and gather my sheets and head for the house.

Frogs and Foxes. What a wonderful day. With freshly ironed sheets on the bed, my head sinks contently into the soft down of my pillow. The frogs have started their evening serenade and a slight breeze ruffles the bottom edges of the bedroom curtains. George turns off his reading lamp and kisses me on the cheek goodnight. I missed it. I am already asleep......

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